TNC – Simple inexpensive ($25) TNC
Simple $25 TNC Pencil box disguised as a TNC
Featured on the front page of QEX in the March/April 2005 Issue No. 229. It was inexpensive, and WB8WGA, Mr. Bob Ball, did a nice job in the article. The unit used a MicroChip 16F88 running a 20mhz and targeted Hams that wanted:
An inexpensive way to monitor local packet activity.
To set up your own digipeater to get a communications link to a particular point.
To do some programming on your own simple Terminal Node Controller (TNC).
He supplied the software so the simple project could:
- monitor local packet activity
- act as a complete digipeater
- send packet beacons at user-defined intervals containing your defined text
- allow you to communicate in a round-table fashion using “converse” mode
- send APRS NMEA position reports when connected to a GPS receiver.
Fair enough, and build for $25 buckeroos? Yep… He got my mental juices flowing and here it is. Mine is pretty similar to Bob’s Breadboard style unit. I even put it into a $1 pencil case. And my kids thought it was for their school supplies… Nope. Should anyone want to build this, I do have an extra “new Olimex board” I can sell you at a reasonable price. Running at 20mhz, the TNC worked surprisingly well in the converse mode. I learned some new skills and stretched my think-o-lator a little in the process. Nice job Bob!